Our programs.
Emergency services
Our emergency services provide mothers and their children with items such as; diapers, clothing, car seats and formula.
Reading with Heart
Powered by local public libraries in collaboration with Harper’s Heart to promote education exposure to the youngest of potential scholars. We do this while also encouraging quality parent engagement through the wonderful world of books.
Breastfeeding Program
Born out of a need to expose, promote, and educate Black and other pregnant mothers about the health benefits of breastmilk and breastfeeding. This program give pregnant mothers the opportunity to receive educational resources from licensed lactation consultants, one-on-one support, and breastfeeding essential kits. These kits include brand new breast pumps, which many times are valued at $400, and our mothers receive this support free of charge.
SIDS Prevention & Toddler Safety Course
A program designed for families with children age 0-24 months old. Providing education on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, lead safety, car seat & sleep safety. Each family receive a free car seat and crib after the completion of the course.